Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 - 3 - 2009

1. one apple
2. two Sandwich each with two slice of bread and tuna spread, abit of ketchup and pizza powder and a slice of cheddar cheese.
3. one toast with margarine
4. one toast with Philadelphia cheese.
5. two packets of Lexus cheese
6. 3 bars of Apollo milk wafer..
7. 3 bars of Apollo chocolate wafer
8. 1 green apple


  1. nong, ini beneran dah kayak menu bwt org diet. hahahaha

  2. eh itu gw makan lexusnya terpaksa man. hahaha itu bukan buat diet, tapi itu ngemil dude

  3. eh iy deng: chocs wafer, milk, margarine, cheese, tuna spread.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hahaha smua yg fat-ny tinggi. gile.
